
Our sign-up is now closed as all spaces have been filled!

The Race:

The first sailor gets in the kayak when the Speakers yell GO; you sail away!

Sail out in the middle of the canal, around the flag, and sail to the platform on the other side.

Reach the platform, get up from the kayak, and run toward the middle of the platform. A judge will hand you a beer. Now – DRINK!

Finish your beer! You hand it to the judge next to you. Run back towards the kayak, stop at the round red spot, and spin around 10 times. The judge will count out loud and tell you when you are done. When you are done with your 10 rounds, Go back into the boat.

Sail around the flag again, before sailing back to the shore. Get up on shore, and the next sailor hops in the kayak, repeating the above steps.


The first participant may get in the kayak before the heat starts but must remain at the shore, with the kayak physically touching the shore, until the Speakers have made the countdown. You may get help from your teammates when getting into the kayak. Fellow participants can help hold the kayak still, but CAN NOT GET IN THE WATER OR PUSH THE KAYAK FROM THE SHORE.

The participant sails out from shore towards the flag at the side. The kayak MUST sail around the flag, then head onto the platform on the opposite side of the starting point.

The participant must get up on the platform with minimum help from the CampusCup crew in the water.

After entering the platform, the participant runs towards the middle where a judge will pass a bottle of beer to the participant.

The participant must empty the bottle completely. It is NOT ALLOWED to shake the bottle in order to create more foam! The judge will decide when the beer is empty!

The participant hands the empty beer to the judge. Please – DO NOT THROW THE BOTTLES! You risk hitting one of the nice judges or fellow contestants.

After handing over the empty bottle, the participant must spin around 10 times. The judge will help count down loud and clear, and tell when the participant is allowed to run back to the kayak. If the participant does not empty the beer or spin around the full 10 times, the judge can give out extra spins as punishment.

The participant runs back into the kayak. (CampusCup water crew will help hold the boat steady)

REMEMBER – The participant must row back around the flag and back to their teams.

The team is allowed to help the participant get out of the kayak and get the next participant into the kayak. You are NOT allowed to stand in the water.

The winning team is the team, whose fourth member hits the shore (the area marked with the red carpet) with the kayak first!

The heat is not done before both teams have finished.

CampusCup © 2024